Computer Resource Systems, Inc.


What hardware do you use, and why?


Local Network Hardware:  We use dedicated, switched, gigabit interfaces for clustering functions.  We have redundant Ethernet interfaces on each server.

Routing Hardware: We primarily use Cisco routers for their compatibility and functionality.  Other vendors can be used at your request.

Server Hardware: IBM iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino.  Around the world, organizations of all sizes have chosen to build their business on the iSeries. And with good reason. From the beginning the iSeries has been designed to deliver real business solutions by delivering exceptional power along with reliability and integrated security.  According to a recent Gartner Group report, the iSeries has the highest availability of any stand-alone, general business server: 99.94 percent. The iSeries has always been designed for business. It is a business computer designed to meet business needs.  CRSI operates with the following principle: business computers should be used to meet business needs, rather than using multiple over-sized personal computers for business-critical applications.  By tightly integrating hardware, software, middleware and the operating system, iSeries provides power, functionality, and flexibility.


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