How do you support Microsoft
Exchange if you only run Domino?
What we support
is Outlook. We have found that many chose Exchange because
thatwas the only option if Outlook was to be used on the
Why use Domino?
1. Domino is an integrated environment; typical of Microsoft YOU
become the systems integrator
2. Domino replication handles the distribution of applications and
3. Exchange apps must be installed on each client desktop
4. Domino apps can be used for Notes clients and browsers WITHOUT
5. Forms-based Exchange apps written for the Outlook client must
be REWRITTEN in order to be used by browser-based users.
6. Domino security is both granular, mature, and standards driven.
Even in a form, various sections can be independently secured.
7. Domino excels in its Mobile support. Exchange mobile support is
weak at best. Domino has location profiles, supports multiple
protocols, and has 1 replication model versus 3 in Exchange.
Okay, so how do you connect Outlook directly to Domino?
As Lotus unveils the latest
updates and improvements to Domino server technology, more
administrators find that they want to take advantage of its
powerful database and security features, as well as its history of
reliable performance. Some of these administrators have already
deployed the Microsoft Exchange server, only to discover after the
fact that the Domino server provides richer functions, more
flexibility, and better network performance.
Because their end users have learned
to use Microsoft Outlook and have developed business practices
around its features, server administrators have been reluctant to
upgrade to Domino either because they fear the loss of some
Outlook features in the transition or because of the necessity of
migrating Outlook users to Lotus Notes.
With these challenges in mind, Lotus
developed iNotes Access for Microsoft Outlook—a deceptively simple
solution that lets administrators migrate their mail databases
from the Exchange server to the Domino server without impacting
Outlook 98 and Outlook 2000 user productivity. End users can
continue to use Outlook as they always have, while administrators
can enhance and simplify server maintenance and performance using
the power of the Domino backend.